Unlock onchain superpowers
Smart Actions
Transaction Policies
Built on Gnosis Safe
Audited by
Trail of Bits
Waymont Recovery
We onboard clients as we have availability. Request access and we will reach out with more information.
Self-custody today is risky, awkward, and demanding—especially for people with $250K+ in digital assets.
Waymont is uncompromising, modern self-custody for crypto HNWIs.
Hardware wallets and paper wallets are a pain—and often go misplaced, stolen, or destroyed. Waymont leverages onchain recovery and secure key stores to ensure you have full control over your assets.
All actions on your account are verified against your transaction policies and approval workflows. Set policies like, "only allow transactions from my IP address, between 9am-5pm, and <$100k per day."
Set actions that give you an edge. Track triggers like bad debt, collateral ratios, and imminent hacks—so that you can auto-withdraw, swap, buy, etc. instantly.
Our concierge team is here to support you. Whether you need guidance with transaction policies or crypto taxes, we have your solution.
Combine Waymont's intuitive workflow with crypto-native security, and you get a comprehensive self-custody experience. Learn more.
A new standard of onchain security and experience. Request access today.